

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Today you present your final paper's information.

Have a visual for the screen. Do not read your paper.

Turn in your daybooks for the last check.


1. Choose ONE essay to read for the class final tomorrow:

“The Case for Kill Switches in Military Weaponry” by Jonathan Zittrain pages 926-929

“Organ Sales Will Save Lives” by Joanna MacKay pages 156-161.
Please read the essay before class tomorrow (1 pm in room 227) and come prepared to write an essay in response to a prompt I will provide. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Final Version Due

Turn in the final version hard copy of your Controversy in Intellectual Property paper.

I return the assessment final.

In your daybook:

Describe how the in-class essay went for you. What is hard/ easy for you in a timed situation?

Presentation requirements for tomorrow:

Purpose: To share what you learned.

Method: 1. Explain the controversy to the class. (Do not read your paper. You may use notes.)
               2. Show an appropriate visual on the screen while you talk.
                        You may prepare a PowerPoint slide or two, or simply show an informative                            webpage (one of your sources? several?).

Daybooks are due tomorrow, Tuesday Sept. 19.

The course final will be Wednesday Sept 20. We could meet at 1 PM to do the final in room 227.


1. Get out all the papers you wrote for class this quarter. Answer the following questions in your daybook:


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Common Final Timed Essay

Today you will write an essay in response to David Sedaris's "Us and Them."

I will hand out a prompt; be sure to choose ONE option, and write your essay in response to that ONE assignment.

At the end of 50 minutes you will print and hand in what you have written. Try to take time to proofread before you print.


1. Open your Draft #2 in Turnitin in Moodle and look at the comments Kate has made.

2. Make your last revisions and have the Final Version of your paper ready at the beginning of class on Monday.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Draft #2 is Due

You upload your draft into Moodle.

We discuss the Common Final grading rubric, and the test tomorrow.


1. Read and study "Us and Them" by David Sedaris on pages 849-855 of the text. You may take notes in your daybook and use them tomorrow during the test.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Writing Credibly

First of all, your drafts.  Remember that your goal is to explore controversy. You have all found some interesting examples; however, you don't all make clear connections with opposing views or interpretations of the situation. Before you state YOUR opinion of the situation, explain what others think about it -- especially people who don't agree with each other.

There are some "radical" views of patent law/copyright out there --

We look at the example report.


1. Tomorrow Draft #2 is due -- it will also be turned in using Moodle and Turnitin.

2. On Thursday Sept. 14 is the Common Final. I will assign the reading tomorrow; you will read the article/essay before class on Thursday. During class on Thursday you will type an essay in response to a prompt about the reading. You will print and hand in what you produce in 50 minutes of work.

Monday, September 11, 2017

More About Citations

How does your draft look in Turnitin?  All sign in and look, please.

The trickiest part of this paper is explaining clearly what you have learned about the controversy, and being clear about the sources of your information. You don't want to be boring, but you also need to give credit where credit is due.

To help with this, you will read a BETTER example of student writing (better than "My Friend Michelle).  "Does Texting Affect Writing" by Michaela Cullington is in the text on pages 129-137.

Follow the directions with the handout carefully.


1. Work on your draft, using information/ comments from Turnitin.

2. Complete the handout.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Researching and Writing

How are you doing finding sources that explain all sides of the controversy?

Your goal is to explain the controversy using information from your sources as you go. This means providing both in-text citations and a Works Cited page.

Let's see how this works...

You are writing your draft of this paper. Tomorrow is a work day (class will not meet). The draft will be posted in Turnitin in Moodle by the deadline of Sunday Sept 10 at 6 pm.


1. Continue to research and understand your topic.

2. Create your first draft, including both in-text citations and a rough Works Cited page.

3. Post your draft in the Turnitin link in Moodle before Sunday Sept. 10 at 6 pm.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Researching Your Topic

You should have a topic relating to Intellectual Property chosen.

First of all, we review the CRAAP test.

Meet Mike Mulligan! Which leads to this article.

Then we look at SCC's library databases, and you spend time looking for information on your topic.

DAYBOOK CHECK: Include Summary/ Response Worksheet and CRAAP Test Worksheet.


1. Find at least 3 sources on your topic, and post them in the forum in Moodle. Due tomorrow.  You do not have to end up using these exact sources, but they are a start.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Copyright Controversy

 We watch one person's take on a controversy surrounding copyright:

Groups answer questions -- write the answers in your daybooks.

I hand out the assignment sheet for last project with feedback.

What about credible sources?

Open this prezi and use it to fill out the handout:


1. Fill a page in your daybook with the prewrite where you explore which controversy related to Intellectual Property you will write about. 

2. Finish the prezi handout.

3. Daybooks are due Tuesday of next week. (There is no class Monday.) 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Plagiarism Outside of School

Define plagiarism in your own words.

Here's a definition of plagiarism. Here is intellectual property.

First of all, plagiarism stories: Viswanathan

1. Your response? Fair? Not fair?


2. Why so different? Is there a problem here?

Herr Guttenberg

3. Was this the "right" outcome?

Beyond "plagiarism" to "intellectual property":

Book covers?

4. Was this a case of theft or not ? Who owns what?

If the courts are in charge...

5. What's your ruling?

Do your pictures belong to you?

6. Would you mind if someone sells your pictures?

Power Hour?

7. How much would you spend to fight that fight?


1. In your daybook: Using Wikipedia or other sources, explain what "intellectual property" is, and explain the difference between a copyright, a patent and a trademark.

2. Now look up the Creative Commons license.  
Explain how this licensing is different from those in #1.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Finalizing Your Summary/ Response

2. Quiz over paraphrasing.

Now let's look at your Turnitin results.

Tomorrow your final version of this paper is due.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Draft 2 Due for Summary/ Response

I return papers.

You read drafts.

We do a Works Cited page for an article found in a book.

You upload your draft to Turnitin in Moodle.


1. Read pages 483-489 in the text. 

2. Be working on the final version of your summary/ response, due

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Summary/ Response Draft Due

You read drafts.

If you did not bring a draft, read and give feedback on Kate's draft.

Then read pages 40-41 in your book and answer the questions on the board in your daybook.

Remember coordination and subordination? Review past worksheets, and then go to this link:

Write out sentences for 1-7 in your daybook. You may look at the "answers," but I expect you to come up with variations, that DO use commas correctly.


1. Finish any of the above.

2. Create Draft #2 of your summary/ response paper. It is due Monday August 28.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

More about Summary/ Response

Hand in the final version of your summary/ response about "Wikipedia as a Site of Knowledge Production."

Words?     Longest      Shortest         oldest quote (word?)      biggest change over time?
How books get made: 


Turn in daybooks.


1. Finish the worksheet.

2. Your first draft of this paper is going to be due Thursday.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Summary/ Response on Wikipedia Due

Print 2 copies of the final version of your Summary/ Response of the Wikipedia article.

We analyze your essays for the key elements of summary/ response.


1. Your reading log for the article you have chosen to write about is due tomorrow.

2. Daybooks will be turned in for check #3 tomorrow.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Practicing Summary/ Response

I hand out the prompt.

Use your book and notes to help you write a summary/ response essay about "Wikipedia as a Site of Knowledge Production" by Danah Boyd.


1. You may take this essay and revise it. It is due Monday at the beginning of class.

2. Here is a piece of writing about viewing a total eclipse:   I recommend it!

3. Read the article you chose from the assignment sheet.

4. Begin work on the reading log for your article. It needs to be done Tuesday August 22 when I collect the daybooks for check #3.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Key Elements of Summary/ Response

You work on a quiz about the reading.

We discuss Key Elements of summary/ response.

You get the assignment sheet for Summary/Response with Feedback.

Tomorrow you will write, during class, a summary/ response about the Wikipedia article.


1. Review the Wikipedia article, and choose the article you'll write your next paper about.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Getting Ready to do Summary/ Response

Groups work to answer questions about the reading, "Wikipedia as a Site of Knowledge Production."

Then we look at pages 33-39 in the text.


1. Finish reading and taking notes over pages 33-39 in the textbook. (Write down all the headings, indenting to show the relationship between them, and summarize the information under each heading.)

2. Add a word from the OED.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Summary/ Response

I return graded papers.

We look at writing summaries, and you practice.

What about response?

We discuss how to keep a reading log, and you copy one into your daybook.

Then you begin writing a reading log for the Wikipedia reading.


1. Complete the reading log in your daybook for "Wikipedia as a Site of Knowledge Production."

2. Remember to add a word from the OED to your vocabulary section. Today will be your second word, or third counting "punk."

Thursday, August 10, 2017


We discuss how to become better readers.


1. Read "Wikipedia as a Site of Knowledge Production" pages 765-770 of the Norton Field Guide.

2. Use some of the suggestions we have discussed. You MAY write (using pencil) in your book. If you wish to print out a copy to annotate, this is a link to a PDF of the book :  You will need to print ONLY pages 201-206 of the PDF.

3. Your purpose for reading this assignment is to prepare for having to write about it during class on Monday. Any notes you make can be used during class. If you make notes on paper, do it in your daybook. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Spelling, Words, and Reading

We finish about the English language (see yesterday).

Crowd sourcing examples? mPINGfrom Scientific American.

We watch this video....then look at the OED (The Hub Menu > Library > under Databases A-Z). Punk, anyone?

A word a day starting tomorrow....Choose a word, look it up in the OED. In the vocab. section of your daybook write:
1. the word
2. its oldest meaning
3. one quote from the OED's list, and the year of the quote
4. the most common modern meaning of this word

We look into Chapter 2 of the text -- Reading in Academic Context.


1. Read pages 10-15 and take notes in your daybook by writing down headings and a short summary of the information under each heading.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Works Cited, Again

EasyBib is working well. Do sign in... I demonstrate.

Then, a change of topic:  Why is English so hard to spell?

Turn in your daybooks.


1. Final version of your Kickstarter on Paper is due. Have it printed and ready to hand in at 3:10 at the latest.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Draft #2 of KS on Paper Due

You look at design principles in this blog:

Then you get feedback about your draft.


1. Continue finishing your KS on paper. The final version is due Wednesday.

2. Daybooks are due tomorrow.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Kickstarters on Paper -- Drafts Due

Today you get feedback about your draft.


1. Read Ch. 55 in the textbook.

2. In your daybook, copy down the headings starting with "Some Basic Principles of Design"(p. 598) and ending with "Evaluating a Design"(p. 606). Indent the headings as you copy them down, and summarize the main point of each section in your own words.

3. Draft #2 is due.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Persuasive Kickstarters

We discuss how you persuade people....

And how about Kickstarters and persuasion?

This caused me to follow the link about the T-shirt. Which brought me back to Kickstarter.


1. The first draft of your Kickstarter on paper is due at the beginning of class tomorrow. You should have chosen your template and have information filled in for several of the key elements. If you're not sure about a title, for instance, just choose a random one that you know you'll change later.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Papers Due and Sentence Practice

You hand in your Kickstarter Rhetorical Analysis papers.

We talk some more about coordination and subordination.

Then I hand out the assignment sheet for the Kickstarter on Paper assignment.


1. Fill a page in your daybook with brainstorming about your Kickstarter on Paper.

2. Spend some time looking at Word templates to use for your layout.