

Monday, July 31, 2017

Papers Returned and Works Cited

You get your Lego Directions back and your Professionalism paper.

We talk about cs //   ro   //    frag

This will help prevent those errors:

Then together we create a Works Cited page for your Kickstarter Analysis paper.


1. Final version due of Kickstarter Analysis paper. Print one copy to hand in; bring your draft and the feedback comment sheets as well.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Draft of Kickstarter Analysis Paper

You give feedback for the Kickstarter Analysis draft.


1. Make revisions to your draft. Final version is due Tuesday, August 1.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kickstarter Key Elements and Example Paper

We discuss the Key Elements of Kickstarter.

You download a copy of an example rhetorical analysis from Moodle. Highlight it in the following ways:

1. Make the title red.

2. Make the hook blue.

3. Make the thesis (main idea of paper) yellow.

4. Make any sentences that describe the examples green.

5. Make any sentences that discuss the effectiveness of the examples pink.

6. Make the final sentence (the clincher) bold.


1. Create a rough draft of your rhetorical analysis of Kickstarter. Have one hard copy printed for class tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Kickstarter Analysis

We discuss Kickstarter.

You have time to find two Kickstarters that you think will be good examples to use as you analyze what makes an effective Kickstarter presentation.


1. In you daybook, fill a page with notes that you take as you look at your two Kickstarters. 

2. Be thinking about what the key elements are of a Kickstarter.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Key Elements and Your Essay

Today your Professionalism essay is due.  Open the file on a computer. "Save As" the file with "Highlighted" added to the file name.

Now your are going to highlight the key elements of your essay according to the following instructions:

1. Make the title red.

2. Make the hook blue.

3. If you have one sentence that states your point (thesis) make it yellow.

4. Make the main point of each body paragraph green.

5. Make your final sentence (the clincher) bold.

6. If you have any transition words or phrases that help connect ideas between paragraphs, underline them.

When you are done, go to our class in Moodle and click on the Forum to Turn In Highlighted Professionalism Paper. Follow the directions and attach the highlighted copy of your paper there.

Then you should print the final version of your paper to hand in with the blue rubric (on the back of the prompt).

To keep you thinking about the relationship between the key elements of a genre and effective writing (rhetoric in action), our next two writing projects involve another genre that none of us has written before.

Look at

Some projects I've found....#1 and #2 and #3 and #4.

I collect your daybooks.


1. Spend some time tonight on the Kickstarter website. Figure out how to look at current projects and old projects (play with the search tool). See if anybody from Nebraska has created a Kickstarter. See if there's anything you would spend money on. Find out what you have to do to put a project up.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Solo Essay #1: Professionalism

During class you are typing an essay in response to the prompt handed out on Wednesday.

You have 50 minutes. At the end of that time you'll print what you have. You may then revise/ finish the essay, to be handed in for a grade on Monday.


1. Create the final version of your essay on professionalism, to be handed in on Monday.

2. I'll be collecting daybooks on Monday for the first daybook check.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Lego Project Due/ New Assignment

Organize your Legos to be ready to hand in. (See white board.)

Homework reading?We discuss.

How about assumptions? We watch Derek Sievers on assumptions.

Thinkwrite I: How did the Lego project go for you? Did you make any assumptions you were not aware of? How did you handle the nomenclature problem? Was it hard to give feedback AS you were building?

I show you the set of directions that taught me the key elements in this genre of writing (assembly directions with no pictures). I did not instruct you to do these; I was hoping you would discover them by trial and error. Key elements: ______.

Thinkwrite II: Assess the directions you created. Which of the key elements did you come up with on your own? Explain.

When you are done, please hand in your Lego Project. Use a paper clip to attach the bag of parts to your papers.

Now we discuss the key elements of an essay.

Now about the next writing assignment:

SCC's Code of Ethics:
At SCC we aspire to:
  • Be accountable and show respect for others
  • Be honest and demonstrate integrity
  • Pursue excellence in fulfilling responsibilities and job duties
  • Be kind and compassionate
  • Adhere to the principles of diversity 

1. Read through the links above about codes of ethics.
2. Fill a page in your daybook brainstorming about your definition of professionalism. Business owners would agree that a professional follows their code of ethics.
3. Tomorrow during class you will type an essay on the handout.  For more information about defining in writing, see Chapter 39 pp. 388-398.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Buildng Legos Day 2

Today you build the revised versions.


1. Read the handout and answer the questions at the back in your daybook.

2. Create a final version of your directions that has all possible changes made. Revising earns you points! Be ready to turn in all sets of directions, feedback sheets, and Legos tomorrow.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Following Lego Directions Day One

We talk about giving feedback.

You exchange Legos and build.


1. Take home the feedback you got on your set of directions, and bring 2 copies of an improved set of directions to class tomorrow.

2. Read the handout and write the answers to the questions in your daybook.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Rhetorical Analysis of Directions

We look at your examples.

In your daybook, create a chart for each of the terms involved in a rhetorical situation and your examples that you brought to class, like this:

MP3 Player:


What does this look like for the Lego directions?

You pick your Lego pieces out.

Everyone prints out a page with the required class heading on it.


1. Create a set of directions for putting your Legos together. Type them up and bring TWO printed copies to class on Monday. This is so two different students can follow your directions and write on them as needed.

2. Create an answer key picture -- either drawn on the green sheet or a printed photo off your phone.

3.  On Monday bring your bag of Legos, the answer key picture, and two copies of the directions to class. Be ready to build TWO sets of directions by others.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017



 Here's a video to help: What is Rhetoric?

We discuss Audience + Purpose + Genre + Stance + Media/ Design

I hand out green assignment sheets.

Thinkwrite: 1. What differences between the two sides do you see? 2. Which is more effective? Explain.


1. Find two examples of a set of directions. Look for user manuals, directions for putting something together, or doing an assignment. Bring hard copies to class tomorrow; you can print something short off the internet. 


Tuesday, July 11, 2017


We discuss professionalism at work and at school.


1. Read pages 53-63 in  the Field Guide.

2. In your daybook, write today's date. Then think of TWO things you have written lately. For each of them, list the purpose, audience, and genre. These can be any type (genre) of writing.

My examples:
1. email-- Purpose: to get a class cancelled
                 Audience: the registrar, Donna Havener
                Genre: email

2. Facebook post --  Purpose: to make my friends laugh
                                 Audience: Facebook friends, especially one it was about
                                 Genre: Facebook post

Monday, July 10, 2017


This is the place for the daily happenings in class and HOMEWORK.

I will hand out the course information sheet and calendar. Copies are also available in the Moodle version of this course.

A. On paper, write the answers to these questions about the yellow handout:

1. Copy down my name. (You may call me Mrs. Loden, Ms. Loden, or Ms. Kate. Not a professor.)

2.  Read the "Course Objectives" section at the top. Summarize the four goals of this class.

3. Circle the goal in #2 that you think is the most important for you to practice this quarter.

4. How many points is the daybook worth?

5. How many papers (projects) with feedback will you write?

6. How many "solo" projects (papers) will you write?

7. How many "polished" pages do you have to write to skip the final?

8. What do you think an English teacher might mean by "polished" pages?

9. How can you get a zero on a paper?

We discuss.

B. Now, on the back of your sheet of paper, please do some thinking/writing. Explain the difference between a professional and an amateur.

Please remind me to collect these sheets at the end of class!

1. Get your books if you have not, including something to use for a daybook and a folder to hold all your graded papers.

2. On the first page in the daybook, write today's date and "Professionalism in __________." Underneath that title, please fill one page with your thoughts on what the difference between "a professional" and "professionalism" is, and what professionalism in your future career would look like.