

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Thinking About Kickstarter Campaigns

1. Review: What are the key elements of an essay? get out the assignment sheet...

Thinkwrite:    Two columns...


This caused me to follow the link about the T-shirt. Which brought me back to Kickstarter.

Thinkwrite: What can we look for in a Kickstarter's campaign to help decide whether a Kickstarter project has the ability to actually produce its product?

Now on to the topic of writing/ language use.

3. Open The Everyday Writer to Section 23a-d. This section is FULL of nomenclature relating to writing. Take notes in your daybook over these sections. Write down each green heading and then explain it in your own words. Tomorrow there will be an assignment using this information.


1. Complete taking notes on Section 23a-d in Everyday Writer.

2. TWFTD: your choice from Section 23 in Everyday Writer.

3. Tomorrow you will have 45 minutes during class to type up Solo paper #1. You will turn in that effort using a moodle forum; then you have the weekend to revise and finish it to turn in a hard copy on Monday.


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