Return of Lego paper. Keep the final version which is stapled to the grading rubric (on the top of your stack). The final version with grading rubric must be saved for your portfolio and the final page count.
Thinkwrite: Look back through your Lego papers. What was the most useful piece of feedback that you got? Why? What did NOT help? What kind of feedback did YOU give?
We make a Works Cited page for Solo #1.
You need one copy of your Solo Paper #1 AND the grading rubric/ assignment sheet to hand in.
THINKWRITE: Please look back at the graphic on page 9 of Bedford. Think about the process you went through to write Solo #1. Describe the process you went through. What was helpful, and what you would like to do differently for the next assignment?
We shift gears to the Kickstarter on Paper. I hand out a purple assignment sheet.
You get into groups and come up with a list of the Key Elements or sections that you think the Kickstarters On Paper should have. Note these down in your daybook.
We combine your input into a CLASS LIST OF KEY ELEMENTS/SECTIONS. Everyone will copy this onto their purple sheet.
Time to brainstorm. Doodle over a page in your daybook.
1. Write up a rough draft of a Kickstarter on paper. You may format it however you like. This is NOT an essay. You're trying to make a persuasive "pitch" for the idea, using the Kickstarter genre. Be creative! Have a hard copy of Draft #1 for tomorrow. It can be typed or written.
2. TWFTD: analogy
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