

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Writing Solo #2

Put the normal heading on a paper, and write up a summary/ response essay about the article you read.

Key Elements from the tan sheet:

1. Make up your own title.
2. Have a hook.
3. Later in your introduction, mention the title AND author of the article.
4. At the end of your intro, state your own point about the reading. (Thesis statement.)
5. Spend one paragraph summarizing the article objectively. Use author tags. (According to Staples...)
6. Spend a couple paragraphs explaining your opinion or reaction to the article. Use short quotes to support your reaction.
7. Finish your essay with a concluding paragraph. Revisit your hook? Point us in a new direction?

At the end of class, you will submit what you have written into a forum.


1. Polish and or rewrite Solo #2. The hard copy with rubric is due on Monday.

2. TWFTD: your choice from Zinsser's article, using the OED.

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